An opportunity to share your story
The scale and diversity of how pets are subjected to domestic abuse and other forms abuse, such as animal sexual abuse, is largely unknown. This space is for you to share yours and your pets story if you would like to.
- After submission your story will be sent to SAHSDA's secure email where it will be reviewed, anonymised if required and uploaded to the survivor testimonies page. Due to the need to safeguard and maintain confidentiality, we will not upload real names of people or pets and any identifying features, including geographical location, will be redacted or anonymised.
- By submitting your testimony you consent to it being shared on the SAHSDA website.
-By submitting your testimony you consent to your submission potentially being quoted in training materials, reporting and other publications to improve responses to domestic abuse for humans and animals.
- Submitting your story here is not a substitute for an official form of reporting, through an institution such as RSPCA or via the police.
Please consider your safety and the safety of your pet before submitting. Please do not submit if you suspect your digital communications are being monitored.